The Star Industries Fork Selector
The Star Industries Fork Selector for ITA and Shaft Mounted Forklifts
The Star Industries Fork Selector makes choosing the right replacement fork easy.
Simply choose your fork type by clicking either the ITA fork or shaft mounted fork image below and select your specs from the picklists.
A table of results including the replacement fork part number will appear next to your picklist selections. Click on the “I’M INTERESTED IN THIS FORK” button and one of our team will contact you right back to confirm your order. It couldn’t be easier!
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- ITA Fork Selector
How to measure your forks
ITA Fork Selector
Not what you need?
We can manufacture and deliver to your exact specifications. Call (800) 541-1797 to organize a custom fork quote.
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- Shaft Mounted Fork Selector
How to measure your forks
Shaft Mounted Fork Selector
Not what you need?
We can manufacture and deliver to your exact specifications. Call (800) 541-1797 to organize a custom fork quote.